Mia is 13 years old, and along with her mum Michelle and Dad, Adam, is an important member of the Adelle Stud Stock Horse Team.
Mia's horse is an Australian Stock Horse named Amlu Capri, and he is a 12 year old chestnut gelding. He is a great allrounder who Mia enjoys riding at home and taking to Pony Club.
We wanted to find out what it is like being part of such a successful operation as Adelle Stud.
What is a day in the life of Mia like?
My daily jobs around the farm include feeding the neighbour's horses each morning and afternoon and general jobs around the house like doing the dishes, the washing tidying my room and looking after the dogs and cats.
A typical day for me is my alarm going off at 6 am and go and feed the neighbour's horses (which I do before and after school). On a Monday after school I catch the bush straight to dance lessons. On Tuesday and Wednesday after school I have tutoring for an hour.
I also run my own scented candle business called Mia Collective.
What is your favourite things to do with your horse, Capri?
My favourite things to do with Capri would have to be going on trail rides, chasing cows and sometimes jumping.
My favourite Pony Club events are the Western Pole Bend and the Barrel Race. I also like doing Musical Rides.
What is your job when you travel with the team to the big shows?
At events my jobs are to apply make up to the horses, brush them and put shine in their tails. I then walk or ride them so they are relaxed for mum. I also babysit for our friends' children at shows.
What is it like travelling with your family to all of the big shows?
With the family dynamics at the shows, we all have our jobs and know what needs to be done. Dad does the Black It (hoof black) and whitens the white legs, Mum puts in the false tails and I do the make up. Then Mum gets stressed when Dad goes off talking to people LOL.
Did you enjoy doing your photoshoot with Shannon, La Bella Vita Photography?
I loved doing the photoshoot! I loved getting dressed up and really appreciated Mum running around the paddock getting the horses to prick up their ears. It was a really hot day but was so much fun!
Thank you so much Shannon for taking my photos, they are lovely.